A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L     M     N     O     P     Q     R     S     T     U     V     W     X     Y     Z    

  • Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift.
  • You are judged by the way you speak
  • You are only what your are when no body is looking
  • You attract people by the qualities that you display and you keep people by the qualities that you possess.
  • You become what you think you will
  • You better pay attention to your future because you are going to spend a lot of time there
  • You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.
  • You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can never fool all of them all of the time.
  • You can lead a fool to wisdom but you can’t make him think.
  • You can’t hatch chickens from fried eggs.
  • You can’t make a silk purse from a sow’s ear.
  • You cannot be anything if you want to be everything
  • You cannot get to the top by sitting on your bottom.
  • You cannot paint the “MONALISA” by assigning one dab each to a thousand painters
  • You cannot stand straight when you stoop to help others
  • you cannot teach man anything; you can only help him find it within himself
  • You cannot teach old dogs new tricks
  • You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
  • You claim an elephant and at least you will get the tail
  • You have a giant’s strength, but do not use it like a giant
  • You let a bully dome into your front yard, the next day he will be on your porch
  • You may lead a horse to water but you cannot make it to drink
  • You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view
  • You never test the depth of a river with both feet.
  • You rarely succeed at anything unless you have fun in doing it
  • You shall judge a man by his foes as well as by his friends
  • You should eat to live not live to eat
  • You’ve got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was.
  • Young wood makes a hot fire.
  • Your heart understands what your head cannot yet conceive; trust your heart.
  • Your worst humiliation is only someone else’s momentary entertainment
  • Youth does not mind where it sets its foot.
  • Youth is a blunder, manhood a struggle, old age regret